Wait... so only clan leader can remove bank money that YOU put in?

chat if this is true I might be screwed

just dont put it in the bank? 350 is not much

I put in 10k

“Hey leader Ima just put 20k in here for safekeeping ima brb”

“…bro can I have my money back?”

Yeah only the clan leader can acess it

idk my clan leader for 1 of them sooo ig I have to try and contact them now

ur in a clan but u don’t know the clan leader?

uh, yeah?
i figured everyone knew that by now

Made the same mistake, I was in a rather small clan and since I was unkeen on losing money, each time I sold a lot of items I put most of the cash into the clan bank.
Anyways after a while I became the only active person, the leader whom I played with rather often kinda stopped playing.
Much later, when I was talking with another dude, I mentioned it and he said that I prolly got scammed.
I resolved it pretty quick though, I messaged the leader who almost immediately joined, did the withdrawal and gave me back my money. I only couldnt take back some 6k because of money cap.