War Seas Vs. Seven Seas

Time to discuss the age old debate of which is stronger, the seven seas or the war seas. (Again, for the 27th time)

arcane adventures win no diff

war seas sweep

arcane adventures wins neg diff

War seas because durza nukes half the seven seas completely destroying the government

I’m just gonna start off and repeat my statement, the War Seas would technically be more advanced in their magic because they are in a constant war against kingdoms, they would eventually have to improve their magic/magicks. While the Seven Seas while much more peaceful birthed warriors like Theos so it can be proven that the Seven Seas Mages while less advanced, has more potent raw magic power than the War Seas mages.

Just because war seas has more moves doesn’t mean they’re stronger
They don’t even have unique ultimates either all they got is an extra large magic attack of their choosing

We have better curses than the entire war seas and they don’t got absorption, lazarus, shockwave, etc and we simply have the better government that being valenica including Arthur the Curse beard, Morock the hound of god, and many other big shots

Bronze sea gonna foddle

Theos isn’t born in the Seven Seas, he’s from Oberon (a continent from before it was nuked by durza)

Oh my bad, but I think he did do some mentoring for other mages? He’s still a mage of the Seven Seas anyhow and could be theorized that Oberon and the Seven Seas were connected.

Even if it wasn’t the case there would still be more notable mages anyway, like Averill. (before he was a curse user) can’t really include the Peacekeeper since he was just some ash collecting magic drifting off not really born with it.

Speaking of which could it be included that the ashes of Peacekeeper just bluntly proves that the Seven Seas are stronger? I mean even if it’s just some ash it still contained immense magic power, unless its just a one off thing.

if PK had been reborn from any other part of the world, they would have the same power level, but their magic style would be different, the fact they are a magic battery is impossible to change, but if they used War Seas magic circles, they would undoubtedly be weaker, as there would be no mutations to go through

can it? theos was a 1 in a million example of exceptional talent and skill, using him as the basis for the whole of the seven seas isn’t a fair representation, and i’m sure we’ll meet someone around his level in ao

shadow or lightning? pulsar/javelin ult
water earth? blast/explosion ult
light? just 20 blast ult, or even that one barrage lost spell that was on the trello and had like 80 blasts
fire? idk what aa’s fire ult is (not sure on earth’s actually too) but i’m sure you can make it

they wouldn’t even need mutations, we have lost and ancient scrolls to learn whatever magic you want instead of relying on chance, and some mutations are already base magics anyway

They don’t got unique

  1. Light barrage shoots out 50+ orbs
  2. Fire ultimate hurts more and does more burning
  3. Water dragon drown ult
  4. Shadow/Lighnting does the same ult, is simply better

AO foddles.

1 - you still need to FIND those scrolls, spend YEARS of your life learning the magic, and even MORE years trying to get a hold of it.
2- the fact mutations became base magics simply shows that they are weaker than their actual mutation counterparts

yea, people in the seven seas also spend years, how old do you think even theos was before he finally mutated his second or even first mind? not even mentioning that knowledge such as scrolls can be rerecorded and passed down, unlike mutations

quite the opposite actually, it means that the war seas are so powerful and progressed that even some mutations are able to gained immediately
if you’re wondering why they’re among the seven aa base magics then, it’s shrimply because we advanced those too alongside them

You are all stating that the 7 seas have stronger characters even though we have yet to see what the war seas have to offer :sob:


well tbf so far we just have clownvus and general flukeian as our toppest dogs

Vetex literally said that War Sea is more advanced magically speaking and some people still say otherwise

“but [insert AA characters here] is from seven seas!”

yeah and we see like 1/7 of the war seas rn, for all we know Wotan could be rivalling a grand fire curse user


Do you have a screenshot of him saying that tho?

in other world, Seven Seas might surpass WS in other aspects, but WS is objectively stronger, magically speaking


Well, he was given the title “The Conqueror” for a reason