Warlock build discussion

you can also use elius as a budget calvus (power + agility with no size) if you have any and only care for agility

whres the clip

think his HP last time I saw was 1077

and im pretty sure base hp is around 990 or 980? so they would be really similar
i think hes using a cernyx amulet instead but idk

but yea theres no getting any faster agil/speed than this lol (because if you do then theres no point as they scale less)

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so he’s probably running:

Powerful arcsphere

some sort of elius/carina getup

Powerful cernyx amulet?

idk :person_shrugging:

nah too little agil for his speed

968, you would need exactly uhh
109 defence if you want exact health…? wait how do you get that number what the hell its like 1.5 of a hard enchant but you cant half an enchant whhuhuh what am i missing

swift cernyx amulet…?

btw what website is that?

What do you guys think about shadow+basic. It seems like it would be pretty fast and have decent aoe and damage.


no, i mean agility

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Carina drops are perfect for this.

rate the build :cold_face:

this with plasma boxing :plasma_magic_var1: :triumph:

or this uberspeed build
(might get some defense somehow)

you still need atk speed otherwise crash goes nowhere


crash scales with attack speed?

I thought it was agility

does this look more balanced out then?

distance is supposed to scale with agil (it doesnt)
but in order to go fast you need a lot of atk speed
agility is just good bc it increases dash length, high jumps, and airstep/magic jump

0 defense :worried:

i still think my build is better, but its up to you to experiment and see what you like