Warlord Build finally transferred, 3 builds done, 9 builds left

Holy moly, this took forever to transfer my warlord build, likely because of a roblox update or a bug, but i kinda fixed it myself after a sisyphean amount of time :frcryin: (Computer Science Major paying off :+1: , or maybe it’s my saintly patience, probably both.)

Zrzut ekranu 2023-12-08 233137
Here are it’s stats, this build mainly focuses on throwing Nuclear Bombs as attacks (quite literally), allowing me not to aim much, it dosen’t have attack speed though, so i assume it’s bad pvp-wise? probably.

Here is how some moves have become bigger thanks to 206 attack size:

Massive striking gale, visually barely changes.

Striking Gale Supernova Projectile.

Massive Shining Cycle, the ground got destroyed by it, which you can see it visually dosen’t show 100% of it’s power.

New Magnus Drip dropped :fr:

This image goes so fire :fire:, accidentally made a fire screenshot.

I was supposed to post something else today, but after what felt like solving a puzzle with whatever this bug was:i Finally Transferred everything :fr:

Here are the Weapons lastly:
Lion’s Halberd (Dense, 1.7 attack size :skull:)
Lance of Loyalty (Ardent)
Bronze Musket (Swift, gonna get tempered later.)


Got my dodge reflex, did you know Iron Leg has a unique dodge reflex?

no agility is pretty bold but for size sake ig

Dodge Reflexes kinda solve the problem, haven’t used the file since two updates, so i gotta grind it. (oops, didn’t knew that overwrites the solution)

Youre not going to catch up to or escape anyone with that 0 agility

(Dodge reflexes don’t solve the problem they scale with agility)

yes i know they do, i have a warlock with 204 agility, and he zooms like a racecar with them.

tried fighting Merlot, survived quite a while, got him to 588 (he was so close to dying :frcryin:

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