Warring Sea's Map

Yo is this legit? A guild member sent this to me.

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i just hope this is the true map but it looks too big being honest

edit: it’s magius but islands so no it’s not being added. also, island maximum size was supposed to be 4x size of alalea or something around that

This has a lot of town names from magius, and it literally says magius in the top left

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It’s just a fan map of Magius that was made before tgr details were released

whats alalea?

how do you not know

The biggest island from Arcane Adventures (might be wrong), prequel to this game, World of Magic.

because im retarded

Don’t blame yourself, no one does for not knowing about Arcane Adventures

how big was it in like comparison to wom, like a village or smth? i never played aa

Like summer hold but noticeably larger when you went inside it. It also has a decent amount of free space around and even some shore.

yup, were getting tiny boring islands

That’s not tiny, Alalea felt large. It WAS large. Possibly the largest island in the game.

And the maximum island size for Arcane Odyssey, World of Magic’s revamp, would be FOUR TIMES the size of Alalea (around that)

ah, i see, thanks for the answers my guy

no problem, have a great day

you too (10 characters)

does all of cerulea count as an island

honestly that’d be pretty cool

It’s a group of islands, i’m talking about biggest island. Which, by this logic would be Permafrost Island but that’s a massive group of ice, so I’d say Alalea is the largest single island.