Warrior build recommendations

I got my little sister to play Arcane odyssey so what would be a good build for an 8 year old warrior

Use whatever she thinks is cool. With the customizable weapons it shouldn’t be to hard to find decent skills on any set of weapons.

for an 8 year old?

i say a big sword/axe, and guns

Well seeing as rapiers, katanas and swords are basically all the same now, you can use any of them along with maybe smth like a polearm weapon and maybe guns… But yeah, depends on your sister’s preference


blud what do you think ur doing…

can she actually play the game and be good at it?

She understands the story but is bad at the fighting portions

drop the user, i promise i wont hunt

Triple dagger death barrage (ptd, scale tooth, sanguine) full focus on power and attack speed

Become a funny small bladed type weapon cruise missile

i looked at the stats ignoring drawback and went “hey that’s really good for someone new to the game,” then saw “17 drawback.” 17% of your health disappearing per punch is wild :sob:

improved it give the kid insanity 5 and max drawback.

okay hold on i’ll make a serious build one sec

here. i was thinking “easy mode build” so i made something tanky, assuming you’d be handholding her through the game. it does have power so she deals decent damage, with good attack size to remove the need to aim. i don’t wanna add in sunkens or essences so it’ll remove any grind needed. just gotta farm calvus and that’s about it.

(you could probably replace calvus armor with cernyx if you need more bulk)

also a bit of agility so she can actually move and run and whatnot.

feel free to edit it up however you like, have fun

AO recommended 13+ :skull:

Erm… then just slap size on the build and use the biggest moves possible like Striking Gale or Sparrow Thrust

It’s 17% of your base health not defense HP iirc
Being serious though, maybe resistance could help since they’re probably charging attacks and getting hit during them.

ohhhhh okay. but yeah lots of regen, defense, and resistance would be good, along with attack size as to remove any need to aim

Just a thought, apparently that resistance is +31.84% DR. Imo shouldn’t need more attack size, but I don’t know. Could swap out the armored or a resistance enchant for more attack size if you really want.
Also this is all level 130 stuff so imagine this but level 140 meaning a bit more stats.

this is a crazy topic bro smh…

i’m gonna be completely real, unless she’s some ao pvp child prodigy or something no build is gonna be good on an 8 year old :fr:

just let her play whatever stats she finds cool

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world record for youngest ao pvphead :rofl:

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