Warrior(me) VS Iron leg Berserker

I have fought my friend, who was playing berserker, on warrior, and lost miserably over 10 fights in a row. Is there some reliable strategy or am I just bad?
More info:
Berserker deals 230 dmg crashes and smashes, with res focus has ~2200 HP, never even used their 2nd FS
My gear:

They seem to match me in damage, but have 700 more HP than me. I cannot punish them with a ranged move because every move they use deletes projectiles, and punishing up close just made me lose HP trades. I tried strong musket instead of vind, strong PTD instead of staff, and still couldn’t punish.

warrior doesnt need that much power, about 50-60 is fine

what do i replace it with? attack size or agility?


Replace scimitars with kai sabre or triasta. I assume they are using iron leg. Dont teleport on them if they are in the air bc their smashes will catch you.

what about this?
(btw i died twice to some dude bounty hunting me while i was changing armor and that was very annoying)

why intensity, id rather use strong arcsphere and strong cernyx tbh

what other defence accessory is there? sunken helm is still stupid, and i dont know of anything else

cernyx amulet

Enchant hard on your gear

costly as hell

right… ill try it and swap some things around so i dont have 300 attack speed

No dont switch your enchants, it wont make that much difference and try to get around 60 attack speed.


if you were referring to this, i meant armor, not enchants

What i meant is that if you really wanted to get more hp u can use hard enchant. But if u already have enchanted strong it is not worth it to change enchant

I have these stats rn, and I am thinking about disenchanting that calvus armor, and putting hard on it and cernyx amulet, that way I will have some agility and attack size, keep my power around 60 (63 or something) and have my attack speed around 60. Will have around 1660 health that way.
What do you think?
@cubed give me your opinion too

enchant strong/hard on cernyx amulet
for chest just use strong/hard cernyx chest

why would i need 100 attack speed though

its fast
what else should you take then? sure use sunken if you have one (size is pretty crutch-ey though, but youre already a warrior so i guess that doesnt matter)
intensity is irrelevant on any class other than dot/resistance focus/aura

agility? sadly i dont know of any defence/agility sets, but maybe there is some balance that can be done with other items
also dosent attack speed become worse than the past 63 or something?