Warrior Mobility

How much mobility will warrior’s have compared to other builds? I need to choose a build and the game is almost out, so this will help me decide

agility build warrior with a katana + greataxe combo would probably be your best bet
(im not a tester tho so idk)

Warriors have good mobility from grabs, slams, tp dashes, etc. Although the mobility isn’t as good as Berserker’s, it is vastly better than Mage’s

not rly related to mobility but since alot of weapon attack sizes gets buffed recently, and warrior having 33% more attack size on awakening i find that sunken set/attack size build would be really cool on it


Is there a list of weapons btw? Perhaps a link or something?

trello? idk

i dont know about a list of ALL weapons that are currenly in ao, but heres a list of all weapon types

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check the AO wiki on fandom

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