Warrior pulsar (sunken staff)

it’s a staff not a spear

That would have been the fourth spear type weapon in game bro let em try something else

this is also the fourth staff weapon in the game

staff go bonk

wait, staffs are long rods normally made of metal. This is a sunken staff which means its constantly wet.

vetex is giving us a long wet rod

stop, you cannot go any further

I know it’s basically imbued with magic but dude imagine how moldy that wood is after so long.

wood would dissolve, its probably made out of solid iron, steel, or arcanium

catching a sunken from fishing is 1/2000
finding a sunken in underwater chests is 1/3000
4 old items and 4 new items in the sunken item pool
there is a 1/16000 chance you find a sunken staff from fishing and a 1/24000 chance you find it when opening a chest.

Good luck

Get an unenchanted wooden fishing rod on a file that isn’t max level and you will get this within a day

the first sunken armor set and sword is lvl 50+ the second armor set and staff is lvl 100+
they don’t get added to the drop pools unless you reach those levels

level 100 is not max level


I mean as of non-common rarity

This is the SECOND staff weapon that isn’t common, while we have one uncommon spear (which really should be rare rarity) and two rare spears already, making three spears

Oh yeah, I forgot about that

someone quote this man now

Me looking at a new era of pulsar spammers

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