Warrior pulsar (sunken staff)



Our normal pulsar is better!

Nuh uh, warrior will have a set in pulsar that’s good :+1:

note: 200 weapon level? (does this mean we still have pgale)

I guess piercing gale was replaced with the unique skill, and bc of it having weapons req 200, I guess its first skill and knocking blitz is the second

If this staff will have both new skill and pgale, what difference it will have from average blast pulsar spammers?

who the heck deleted the thread with the sunken weapon poll i wanted to post my correct prediction here and flex :frcryin:

Congrats, now r u ready to dive allat for this?

:nightmare: (complete sentence)

When strength pulsar :pensive:

Fuck… Its painful to imagine how much I will have to pay to some random angler to get this damn staff.

Foolishness, the trick is to have a few pve demon friends who play the game like it’s a fishing sim to get sunkens for dirt cheap

2 of my friends do that

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I honestly believe it could be like deluxe cutlass Q from AA. It fits most of the description.


lets go

Sunken sword already got this move. It is Flying Phoenix.

Vacuum punch anyone?

welp looks like i’m going fishing again

That’s a letdown, they picked the trident without the prongs.