Warrior's Aura appreciation post

So, as you progress as a Warrior, you may notice your energy charge lose the effects from your magic and become white instead. This new charging aura changes color depending on the weapon you’re currently holding out. Examples below.


Once you gain your awakening as a Warrior, you gain “Warrior’s Aura”, which makes your attacks 33% bigger, but ALSO applies the above color as an accent to the effects of your abilities.

For example, the Scimitars of Storm get a pale purple accent on their abilities:

And the Vindicator gets a bright blue accent that compliments the white particles very well:

Vetex outdid himself with this, Warrior is definitely my favorite build visually over conjurer.


this is seriously cool, thanks for making a compilation of all this
I noticed my warlord character (that was warrior at the time) lose their magic charging aura, I love that it changes depending on weapon

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