Was Calvus right?

who pets children aside from in questionable animated shows


normalize loading mortars with molten honey buns when laying siege to the slums

Man! Just how many CAPITALISTS exist on the forums?

Time to start a socialist revolution.

Don’t mistake this as me trying to help the poor people, I just want to make a dictatorship where I take all their money.

Nah its for things higher than a heart

Send all “humans” of Winterveil and Tiberian descent to the mines! HEIL KING CALVUS!!!

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King calvus predicted mordern society

It’s the same with gen 5s, I agree with Calvus on this one

Calvus is fucking ugly he’ll never be right about anything

What being raised through propaganda of your grandfather does to a mf

How dare you imply they are human. They are, subhuman…

Adolfus calvus the 3rd

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