Watch out forumers

it is apparently so yeah still case in point on being mindful regardless

thats different, cause they were actually typing out the msgs to lvl the char stat point which was a random pool of selected text have been removed. the one going around w/ the image above is forcing u say them when u haven’t typed them ig

which in turn somehow messes w/ roblox

their discord server is being raided rn :skull:

the forums disc is being raided?? ;-;

this is not a good idea

no the people who started the fake chat logs

Waiting for roblox to respond to the situation be like: :headstone:

fake what now?

i left the disc months ago so i have no idea what happened to since like aug oct timeframe or smth idr

The people who started this whole mess…
They send fake chatlogs to roblox which banned people but also gave their discord (basically a punch me sticker) and the server got raided

oh, i thought u guys were talking about the forum disc server being raided for some reason or whatever

i’m dead confused and my 2:30 am brain doesn’t wanna piece things together atm

Firstly: thank you.
Secondly: it once again proofs that roblox moderation system sucks. Your account can get electric chair (yeah everyone understands that I mean termination) for nothing.
Roblox just has too much players in it. Mods
just have to get not 220 MILLIONS players per a month, but 220 THOUSANDS players per a month.

If roblox keep the way they are now…
T H E Y ’ R E G O N N A H A V E A B A D T I M E

Also just wait until roblox adds rule “one IP - one account”. Like there was in China “one family - one kid”

Que the clown music :clown_face: