Water is not wet

fine, i accept that its not wet but i still think it is the wet.

I have literally been saying it makes things wet

i wanna commit a crime. my first crime will be arson. followed by murder and then robbery

Bruh, wrong order, if you do robbery, murder than arson, you will be done so much faster as you rob someone, kill the poor dude, than burn his house down in order to hide the evidence.

if water isnt wet does that mean all liquids arent wet?

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who is wet

Me i



is fire on fire? something won’t be on fire unless you put fire on it. you can’t put fire on fire, the fire just gets bigger!

water is not wet
but ur mother is cuz she cant swim


Of course it is. Water particles touch each other so…
It makes itself wet!!!


Human beings, always bringing back old discussions from years ago just so they can have a civil war over the internet

answer my question, cowards

Water molecules just get stuck in between the fibers in your clothes adding weight.