


AO is fine until you can watermelons as weapons.

Y’know, a lot of these images have meme potential!

I’ve been really bored and recently got a photo editor… hmmmmmmm

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I look forward to it, little one…

While I am tempted to make a meme because I’m very bored, I’m not really that type of person on the forum. y’know?

I’m just some wholesome guy on the forum who welcomes people and doesn’t share opinions! I can’t get cancelled if I say nothing!

(Btw, for anyone reading who DOES wanna make a meme, get GIMP. it’s a extremely good and free photo editor! it looks like a rocket panel at NASA or smth when you open it. but if you learn how to use it, it becomes extremely useful!)

got it, thanks

Oh well…

I’d make something, but no idea what to make so nah for now

Y’know, the characters in the image are holding watermelons close to, if not over the edge. like they’re about to drop it. that could probably make for a good meme!


Mel on

counsin Sarah and Robert is that you-

I fucking love the carry animation for the watermelons