WAX WORLD NEWS (issue two for the rael gamers out there)

almost got kidnmapped beacuse of this news story !


other than the headline, excellent news :+1:

seriously please don’t do rants in the news

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he was the one who did the mruder not me i didnt bribe the magic ocuncil 1400 crowns to frame him for a muredr that i committed behind the silent tower i would never do something like that


Clearly trustworthy

finally, a reliable source of information

I’m still alive, don’t hide the truth from people! You deceive and lie to the people, I am being sought out for the simple fact I am learning too much about who you truly are WAX. The people must know and you cannot stop me with lies!

ill be sending hitmen if u ever find out about my sercet society

you weren’t supposed to expose the existence of the great shrine of king david silver :mariomug:
expect my people to come for you

aweuh shit i knmew this day would come

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10/10 would read again

this is what everyone wanted
waiting for issue 3 to come

How is Salore still mayor after what he did last issue?

You can’t ever stop the Salores, you fool, they have everyone in their pockets

mmmmmmmmmm myes wonderful

This is the best thing in the Forum

hmm i never knew i needed this until now


ieuwr ghoerwiug wfoigudf goifuvdfsv iofwugdicuvo qoreudl

He is now just Salore.

The Salore mob family will punish you for even thinking that.

wait no i’ll pay double protection fees this month just don’t steal my bait again please