heavy hydrogen
neon (cool af)
krypton or something idk
xenon i think
apparently if you use mercury vapour you can get a light blue
you could simplify it into nebula magic instead of having fucking hydrogen magic because that sounds dumb
nebula magic would look cool
radiation magic.
Mustard magic + cannonballs
World war arcane
r a d i a t i o n
Radiation magic.
Alr, we have alpha, beta and gamma radiation.
Alpha is a helium nucleus, beta is an electron/positron, and gamma is a ray.
None of that is a gas. If I had to be honest, it would be better as an energy magic.
look my homie breadslice i get you want your funny attention but you do not need to repeat your idea twice
radiation radiation radiation radiation
There is a reson why they arent in the game yet, like what are you going to do with oxygen ex.
make them inhale pure oxygen and die
what about gass from your
dark green gas
mustard magic:
You can mix ammonia and bleach to make a really powerful gas magic. They call it “mustard gas”.
Theres already plasma as a energy magic, with its color variations named “Nova” and “Gamma”
I would love to see more elements being added, but being very honest, the idea of adding the entire periodic table, breaks the fantasy of the game and consequently will break the game immersion. Which would be a BIG PROBLEM in my opinion.