We need to talk about how strong the gravy and syndicate is and how big of a role they might have in the future

where do i even start with this…

so i was reading this forum:Lore drop thread(Sorta spoilers) - #261 by skittlesnakes and in there i learned just how fucking strong the grand navy is, from them being confirmed to be stronger than the arcane government which was a group that CLASHED WITH THE PROMETHEAN FIRE CURSE USER (before it was retconned) and how they CASUALLY ARRESTED THE APOCALYPSE CURSE USER (nero)

this brings us to the syndicate, the recruiter npc in the asyn base in bronze sea mentions how the grand navy had used the asyn before, used the asyn before to KILL WHO?

honorable mentions: every single kingdom agreed to not have any squabbles with the grand navy and to just let them govern the seas and dictate a bunch of laws, this can also mean that they are SO strong that other kingdoms are scared of them

nero was the reason why the grand navy formed, and it took a coalition of nations to take him down—getting all of nato on one dude isn’t really casual imo

err no grand navy was formed because king admirals parents got killed batman backstory style.

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this is because vetex loves downplaying all of AA to make AO seem more impressive, when you use your eyes to compare the two, AO is just a glorified reskin of AA that thinks it has an “indepth-political drama” ongoing (it doesn’t)

The AG whoops the Gravy so badly it isnt funny

come talk to me when those bums at the chimera sea can afford to put electrical lights in even their most REMOTE outpost in the POOREST sea (like the AG, in outcast tower)

ok here let me shut u up

SEVEN SEAS: advanced more technologically
WAR SEAS: advanced more magically

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not true

case in point:

Rare mutations in AA are ancient magics

Plasma is SIGNIFICANTLY stronger in the SS than in the WS (verdies vs AO)
Shadow is SIGNIFICANTLY stronger in the SS than in the WS (blinding vs withering)

King Calvus’ Aether vs SS Aether (ornament)

The War Seas WISHES it was the SUPREME, DIVINE AND SUPERIOR Seven Seas.

overtime “mutations” became more common since people with those magics started making babies

plasma was only seen by verdies
most likely a gameplay feature as vetex made aa when he was like 18

calvus is a fraud, aether ornament was probably made by a stronger aether magic user who is yet to be named

both are equally good

morock is secretly king admiral, skittlessnakes told me so

which is why the AA magics are STRONGER. ironically, the seven seas has ALOT more war, on a more devastating scale than the war seas could even DREAM of

verdies was only level 200. and he still WIPES any war seas characters

there are no savants in the great seven seas. all mages can fully use swords, whereas in the war seas mfs forget how to use their hands the second they can use a semi-competent magic

seven sea aether SOLOS

also the top 10 in AA (pre AO retcons) are so far ahead of the AO top 10 its not even funny:

the seven seas has:

  1. prime morock
  2. theos
  3. sond
  4. valencia
  5. cursebeard
  6. ahab
  7. rupin
  8. durza (pretty weak actually)
  9. peacekeeper
  10. undead prometheus
  11. poseidon
  12. undead zeus

tf does the bum war seas have to compare :rofl:

morock is actually running magius, hes holding that shit up like atlas :fire::muscle:

why are you here? aren’t you captain william silvers of the frozen wastelands?

that kind of makes no sense? verdies is like lvl 280 or smth of course he’ll be stronger

i think that’s just a gameplay thing that would be eventually changed but never did because the game broke n stuff, so vetex put it in both wom and ao
also aethereal ornament’s a freaking exalted weapon that has been used so many times the arcanium metal just absorbed the aether magic or some shit like that, i think that’s how it works

hes lvl 200, so yes hes on par with the ship captains and bosses of the nimbus?

another seven seas classic

aether in SS > aether in WS

i think the nimbus captains would solo him ngl

master of aether magic ain’t dealing more damage than calvus’ 500! 500! 500! :joy_cat:

not with that bum ass version of magic they have in the war seas :rofl:

sorry but the half-breed savant calvus is not even coming close to rivalling the likes of even a savarian feudal peasant tbh

show me concrete evidence and maybe i’ll take it into consideration buddy

This topic is so derailed rn

vetex would probably Not do this today


“heh using puppykeeper’s image against skittle surely means i’ve won heh…”

no you’re a dumbass who cant even use the image in the right scenario :sob::pray:
stupid ass sea-blooded magicless monkey :rofl:

does a divine and righteous being such as myself care if i disregard the topic of your monkey-esc thread???