We now know the names of 5/6 of the Warring Seas

Where is this

Also, if Thorne is in the sixth sea, why would they go all the way to the Bronze Sea to attack Ravenna? :skull:

Seems like a horrible military decision

It was weaker than them by far

Im not sure WHEN this note was actually from… Mightve even been from looooong ago, maybe the Eden Empire is where Sameria is now. Said place might no longer exist now, considering thats a skeleton right next to that note…

The skeleton is the next to the sea so it could have simply been brought there by the tide

I do not deny. Everything is possible.

Just don’t forget that there is a hat near skeleton, which looks pretty new and it wasn’t dragged away by birds or waves.

Yeah, but invading an enemy four seas away is like invading Russia.

First of all, lets just assume all the other Kingdoms (including the Naval Kingdom) decide to do absolutely nothing about this. Its not like Thorne would go after them next, totally legit.

Unless if you have some flying curse, i dont think a four-sea long supply line is a good idea, since its at constant risk from being attacked by Samerians, Ravennans, Keraxeans, Ryujinese, Azurans, Pirates, Corsairs, Navies, Assassins.

I dont think your men would want to fight so far from home, and unless u got a really good justification ur people wont like this idea either.

I mean Aegean and Azure are both shades of blue, also aren’t the seas named after their most notable trait, not the kingdom with the highest power? the bronze sea is named for it’s abundance / shipments of bronze, the nimbus sea has a fuck-ton of sky islands
2. I might be reading this wrong, but I’m pretty sure that Azura and the original kingdom of the G.N are separate? you could be referring to Azura in the 5th sea to replace the G.N homeland there, and explaining why the G.N homeland isn’t there.

You are assuming that all the seas are stacked on top of each other. If it is more of a blob, like a ‘sea cluster’, then the sixth sea could be west of Bronze and actually relatively close, and our journey will just take us in a U-shape starting at Nimbus and ending west of Bronze.
In Arcane Reborn, the seas wrap around the Great Rift.

This can’t be how it will work in Arcane Odyssey, because the Bronze sea is the most northern sea and Morden was in the Dark Sea behind the Pelion Rift. But it is a good example of showing that even the numbered seas didn’t have to be sequential when you travelled to one - you can sail around the Great Rift straight from Third to First (I did it once).
In the War Seas, where the seas aren’t even named after numbers, the distinctions of which is first, second, third etc might be even less related to geography.

We think there is a sea to the west of the Bronze Sea, because that is where our experimentation facility was (or maybe it is a Bronze Sea island that they just haven’t bothered adding yet)

Im not saying theyre the same. Im saying that the Aegean Sea might be the GN’s main base instead of the location of Azura, which I assumed back then. Also, Aegean is the 4th sea, not 5th.

ah, that makes sense.

Could they not both be there?

Yeah, thats possible, but I said before that I feel like Azura might be important enough to be left last rather than in the 4th Sea. (AO is themed around blue, title has blue fire, Warren here has inferno, you know what I mean?)