Weapon Ability Key Change

Weapon Ability Key Change
effort 3.8 5 quality 4.2 5 reasonability 4.5 6

Centralize any weapon’s projectile and tp/thrust move keys.

Before you say something like “Haha skill issue just get good get better you suck” bro even back in AA weapon abilities aren’t a mess like this. In AA, weapons had a single move which is Q and it shoots projectiles.

What I’m saying is, the current weapon’s ability keybinds are straight up a mess. Example: Weapon A has a projectile move as Q and a teleport move as E, while Weapon B has a projectile move as E and a thrust move as Q. It’s a literal mess.

My suggestion is basically to make all weapon’s projectile moves on Q and tp/thrust move on E. For further ability keys as the update goes on, the ability’s keys should follow the ability’s trait/characteristic. This is so that weapon’s ability moves will be organized and less confusing.

I’ve love to go through a menu that displays all weapon “types” and their skills and lets me decide where each skill goes individually.

A change like this is just going to fuck up everybody’s muscle memory and fix alot of nothing for it.


Skills should just be interchangeable once you unlock them, I’m completely fine with the scrambled ones rn


Just practice.
Get used to it, i was used to it day two of playing.

I remember it being as planned features for high level weapon users. “You mastered weapon so good, that you can change its skills and adjust them”

Yes guys! Let’s shoot down this helpful and easy to code suggestion that would likely benefit most weapon users and make playing weapons altogether a slightly less tedious experience because it can be practiced.

Nobody’s saying that the current keybinds are too hard to work with.
Nobody’s saying that the current keybinds are too hard to get used to.

This suggestion is just asking for ranged and mobility moves to all share the same button.

Anyways. Voted


Just because you think something is easy to code doesent mean it actually is, Pox.
We dont know how the code actually looks.

So your saying changing a single letter is hard?

Literally any weapon-related class struggle with this

As someone who used to main conjurer and thinks it’s still quite fun, I think that a menu for weapons to change keybinds would be FANTASTIC and overall just better.
And if we can’t get that I would settle for this.

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This would definitely make switching between weapons easier, although you do get used to it after a while.


as long as it doesnt change the unlock levels, sure
would be better to cudtomize the keybinds yourself but thats way longer to add, meaning way less likely to be added

I don’t find the different keys to be a problem, but I fully support control rebinding in general so sure. Also it gives weapons more representation in the top of the info menu, which I guess is something (maybe it opens up other customization?).

The deluxe katana in AA having flash strike as Q:

Just make weapons customizable :person_shrugging:

I’m sorry but you literally only have to change Enum.KeyCode.Q to Enum.KeyCode.E, or something similar depending on what vetex used. It isn’t even possible to hardcode keybinds to a point it takes more than thirty seconds to change

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I mean looking at how vetex coded the level titles it could be possible for the code to take that long :man_shrugging:

I think being able to set where YOU want the moves to be might be better, as then people can make the weapon movesets feel better to use for themselves. Also, I don’t have many problems with this dynamic to be honest, as not every weapon is equivalent. It feels very different to use a greatsword’s projectile attack, for example, compared to the projectiles that come out of scimitars/dual swords. In my head, the different key binds help to make that a bit more pronounced now that I think about it.


I dont have the link, but essentially that script is big list