Weapons tier list idk

spears = obsolete



Spears have never even been viable in this game; The bows are at least semi-usable, and have really good utility in PVP due to smoke arrows.

why is there a dagger in b tier but the others are in c tier
am i missing something

the three grouped up are of alalean/castilian/vistarian culture, and can only be upgraded to level 30, while the singular dagger is an Old Dagger that can be upgraded to level 80

that makes sense

honestly its pretty good but imo those bows and crossbow switch positions, and old sword moves up to a tier because its basically the same as castilan and alalean swords

I was thinking a bit about putting old sword up a tier because the 1 damage difference is probably negligible between the two and I think I’ll do so, also thanks for the input on ranged weapons, any reason why crossbow is worse than normal bows?

she take a while to reload T_T

bow is basically crossbow with less damage, but with a significant cooldown time compared to bow. if you miss a shot with crossbow, you’ll have to wait a bit longer

makes sense, i’d swap it then

but that’s my personal opinion, its ight if u wanna keep it like that lol

Spears underrated :pensive:

wooden club goated

I think Vastira is just a sword with great spin, but better in every way. More range, more damage and roughly the same cast time and endlag.
Might be worth considering it an S? Idk I think it’s great.

all great spins aren’t really that attractive in pvp due to the fact that you’re stuck in animation for a while, allowing either your opponent to escape or spam beams/placed explodes from a distance
difference with oathkeeper is that players will actively try to avoid it as their top priority, using a spell will get you killed against an oathkeeper user

Spears should be up a bit, and Old Shortsword and Bonk stick should be the lowest.

spears have some practical use, but they’re completely and utterly obsolete compared to just using a dual daggers for its ability or an oathkeeper for both its ability and blade length

old shortsword kinda ass yeah so maybe D

club isnt bad at all, high swing speed and damage, highest DPS in terms of just clicking i think

But club can’t be used in PvP.

figure it out first