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How? They can reflect and just hit with a blast of another magic, reflect, blast, reflect, blast

Diamond magic cause diamonds are unbreakable

wouldn’t reflector magic do/ look smth like this

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no that is vector curse

Yes but reflector magic would do something like that

You’d have to move one of the preset spells, you couldn’t just create a shield around you

Use an explosion spell

i’m saying you can position yourself and hit the blast with your reflector blast at an angle that it hits your opponent
dumbass learn to read

lmao you misread my comment

i’m saying someone wouldn’t be able to hit a person that has reflector magic

because they would just reflect

are you from the discord server by any chance

yes i’m in the discord server

No wonder then.

what does it matter if I’m in the discord or not?

oh vetex is in the discord, that makes him a dumbass

that’s what you sound like rn

diamond would basically be buffed gold/iron

it’s probably pretty slow