If theres any sea other than the 1st 2nd and the northwestern open sea i didnt mention in the title please let me know.
And if any of those were planned could i have a map if possible?
Also a map showing the location of each sea like the one overviewing the 1st 2nd and 3rd ones would be nice
Thank you!
Would be very interesting to know what mainland looked like, I want to see what the AG headquarters looked like.
i dont think that we have seas now…
we do have continents and so far i know only 2 of them that exist in wom lore
they were talking about if the seas were ever planned out for what they were gonna be in Arcane Adventures
i think they were?
4th was suppose to be a very, very big island
A basic summary of each sea and their planned progression can be found in the lore document, under the section “Arcane Adventures takes place in Y1854.” As for maps, here is an image I found online of the existing seas that were in AA.
The closest thing we have to a map of the 4th and 5th seas are made by LittleShrekSheep in the AA Webcomic. The Webcomic is made with advice from Tech and Vetex so they may actually be a general idea of what those seas would have looked like.
4th Sea, containing the largest island in the Seven Seas known as “Mainland.”
And the 5th Sea, which is known for the Arcane Government’s headquarters, as well as containing many whirlpools and being one of the smallest seas (either 5th or 4th is the smallest, cant remember).
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