Right now im thinking of using a musket and katana for my water conjurer. what weapon should be my 3rd (if you thing a weapon should change you can say that as well)
As a plasma conjurer I used a staff, (I hear this could be replaced with katana) dual swords, and possibly a small gun. I usually only use 2 weapons but I would go with a gun if you want three.
Heavy attacker, weapon with good moves, gun. That’s the way I’d go.
i was thinking about staff, but wasnt sure because then i would have 3 grabs (gun, magic, and staff)
bow would be cool
staff is rlly good, but i like using different weapons and trying new things
Kai, Staff and Rapier. Friend runs a water conj and when 1v1ed them the projectiles always hit me
nuh uh conjurer hivemind
Probably staff or rapier. The grabs have better speed and set up for combos. It’s pretty tough to combo with musket’s grab and snare leaves you in place if you miss it.
Rapier is better if you like playing up close with shining cycle while staff is better for zoning.
If you really don’t like either of them, you can try out greataxe (which combos well with water’s size) or dagger, although dagger is kinda redundant if you’re already using musket.
water conjurer
wow you made the same mistake i made
obvious answer would be maybe rapier but greataxe is really fucking funny.
i wouldnt run staff if your a 120 130 user, probably rapier or sunken sword if you have one
Would be funny if you ran great hammer
Ravenna war shield
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