What AA concepts do you think should be added to AO?

We have 5 magic spells, 6 if you count pulsar. We have 5 FS moves, 6 if you count the axe kick.

And, again, the magics and fighting styles are mostly just single gimmicks and stat adjustments. You could put on attack size and damage armor as a lightning mage and basically become a fast earth mage. Or you could put a few attack speed armors on as an earth mage and become a lightning mage without paralysis.

Fighting styles are marginally better, as some of their gimmicks are decent, but there’s less selection, and many are just worse basic combat. (Looking at you, boxing)

Semiclones? Half of them are just DOTs with variations in duration and damage.

As soon as we get more customization options and more spells this will be less of a problem

give me the forbidden knowledge pls

Imagine water magic getting a whirpool lost spell

Alpha white eyes-

And a boss similar to Kraken


We need wind ult back to form whirlpools to knock people into

You mean

Wasn’t wind able to cause whirlpools if you shot it at the ocean

Can we do without the Kracken’s spell that appears under your ship? I still have scars left over from AR when I was in the First Sea and the Kracken kracked my ship six times in the same hour.

That spell should be repurposed to be a despawning animation lol

Exactly the point, i need others to experience the trauma

I’m kind of on the fence on this, plus honestly AO is a game that while fun to play would probably be hellish to replay due to how long it is. Suffers from the AAA game problem of wanting you to do everything at once despite claiming otherwise.

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Fair enough—Vetex is one dude, after all. And you’re right, most people either play one file or speedrun straight to max level to try other builds.

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