What about the Aftermath

If magic disappear then does that include the aftermath and its effects? Would there be no use of immediate firefighters if the fire will simply go away?

Last one for me. I got nothing else right now.

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I mean firstly liquid magics leave puddles behind that eventually disappear for seemingly natural reasons. Also I heard that enough fire, like king david level, lights things aflame.

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No, if you kill someone with water magic they don’t get revived 5 minutes later when your water disappears.

right but if someone drowned irl and all the water magically vanished from their system they wouldn’t come back to life either?

the magic would go away but the effects going away doesn’t make any sense

Maybe I worded this incorrectly.

If a single leaf is burning but the magic stopped—would it not continue burning the rest of the plant? When we’re talking about the magic eventually disappearing does that mean the impact of the fire or everything about it?

For poison, do you immediately feel better without going through a long process? Would it be like a really bad fart?

lore wise i have no clue

in game it seemingly just stops, poison stops after 20 seconds with no lasting effects, i’m guessing the same is true for fire stopping after a certain amount of time, so i doubt fire fighters would be needed if the fire just vanishes, they just clean up whatever’s left

Well bleeding stops after a few secs too but that’s probably just for gameplay and not for lore purposes.

That’s fine, I feel like I’m making dumb questions :flushed:

@lookingforabargain that is true

think like that
if you light paper with lighter and then put out the lighter, will fire disapear? no you dingus, use common sense of “temperature of self-ignition”

All I can say is to think of magic like energy. Magic energy is in the air and all around us, we call that energy to ourselves to then expel it using a magic circle. Once that magic is expelled, to my knowledge, the energy slowly begins to dissipate back into the air.

Energy in real life is similar to this. If you have a fire, it will dissipate unless it is fed enough fuel. If you summon a ball of fire using your magic energy, it will dissipate because the energy from the fire is transferred through the air as thermal, light, and sound energy. If that fire hits something flammable, it can continue because by burning the fuel it gains energy to sustain itself. Anything made from magic naturally dissipates because it is essentially pure energy, however if it can somehow constantly be fed energy it may sustain itself.