What are all the first names and last names that are in world of magic currently?

My name right now is Demetrius Silver , and Idk if i wanna change it or not. I’m probably gonna change the first name.

idk but there are atleast like 3 i thiink

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For first names, you can just check the current WoM Character Creation Menu (I believe a few more are being added in addition when AO comes around though), some of the last names I can recall are as follows;

  • Silver
  • Lamina
  • Gates
  • Clay
  • Grey
  • Arbor
  • Graves
  • Salore
  • Drake
  • Banks
  • Galleon
  • Calding
  • Booth
  • Water
  • Ketch
  • Marble
  • Gold
  • Stone
  • Crest
  • Marshall
  • Morris
  • Rose
  • Barion

I’m pretty sure there’s more surnames, and no, I’m not listing which one is for what culture.


Bro just wait for AO and look at the names.

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WHERE IS COLE AND LAMINA IM SO MAD :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

only true WoM/AO fans can name every first and last name in the game

No because nobody bothers making that many files

behold, current wom surname list with sorted cultures
(bold surnames means house names)

Vistarian Surnames

  • Salore
  • Barion
  • Calding
  • Water
  • Clay
  • Booth
  • Banks
  • Grey
  • Lamina
  • Ketch

Castlian Surnames

  • Silver
  • Marshall
  • Auburn
  • Graves
  • Stone
  • Gates
  • Crest
  • Cole
  • Shield
  • Morris

Alalean Surnames

  • Gold
  • Drake
  • Percy
  • Arbor
  • Rose
  • Marble
  • Anchor
  • Rust
  • Cutlass
  • Galleon

Those are all first names we have in game.

By this point I’ve associated many names with their cultures that some easier ones likes Banks, Stone, Galleon, Cutlass, Gold, Gates, and others are just culturally linked in my mind.

I didn’t even know Cold was a surname :fr:

mb thats supposed to be cole

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