With the start of the Nimbus Sea Storyline, and the second Baron of the Bronze Sea not yet revealed, it begs the question? Why are we moving on if Fort Castrum (the likely home of the second Bronze Baron) has not been added yet. What is the likelihood of Fort Castrum being added as a side storyline during the Nimbus Sea update. My opinion is somewhere between 50-80%
If I remembered correctly, somewhere has a line of text which inexplicitly states that Castrum would be vital in bridging the bronze and nimbus sea’s storylines. Or maybe my mind’s playing games
I dont remember anything like that, so may need to verify.
If any theories on Fort Caestrum are to go by and are correct, I’d actually say that the chances of it being added in this update are somewhat low. I could be wrong though.
plot twist Arwald is the baron lol
I honestly think General Olivar would be the second Baron. And it honestly makes sense it would be a very good choice from a writing perspective
If so we’ll probably fight another “far past his prime” type of boss. ( Low damage but tanky )
Considering he was like at his 30s - 40s when he was mentioned in Rackham’s journal. And he’ll have to be a magic user in order for him to still have lived during the 1850s.
only way
Looking at the Trello, some text would answer the initial question of this thread
His only mention is over 50 years ago. Unless of he’s a curse user, he’s probably dead, or over 70.
I mean Argos is a Baron and he’s old, but he’s still pretty weak and he’s just buff. Also, if he’s so important, how come absolutely no one mentions him? If he’s a Ravennan General, especially an old one, pretty much everyone should know him, but we never got any mention of him. Besides, when Ravenna’s KING is in danger, against multiple powerful magic users, where was he the whole time??? If General Julian can’t even handle Morden, then Ravenna is basically wide open to terrorist attacks.
This is kinda unrelated but I just want to laugh at how weak Ravenna’s defense is.
Firstly, shouldn’t they set up like, some sort of customs? Any foreigner can easily smuggle into Ravenna and cause chaos. I mean the players can just steal cargo in broad daylight, so how hard could it be to smuggle in Tiberian rebels, explosive barrels, or maybe, I don’t know, some guns at least.
Secondly, they have 4000+ Bronze Legion soldiers, do they really think a few legionnaires and Centurions can secure their own capital? You can take em out with a few snipers or magic users. The city doesn’t have any Naval defences so like, a few Brigs can just lay waste to the city with mortars. The Castillo isn’t any better, defended by 2 Centurions. Also there aren’t any cannons, any gates, the cities are wide open to attack.
Thirdly, what about their other territories? There’s not a single soldier at Frostmill, merely a small batallion at Shell, and Fort Talos, although having troops, isn’t exactly secure. Yeah they have those really annoying mortars but have there ever thought of plugging the sewers
Mages can extend their life and age much more slowly
He’s not a magic user, he’s a warlord.
vetex gaming
well, for one, lorewise you would probably be caught stealing and two, they already got explosives and guns lying around the island
yet again, much different in lore. for gameplay rubica cant just be some MASSIVE city and there would be tons of soldiers patrolling it. the Castillo in canon also has a many many more guards but they arent shown in game as it would be annoying to fight 25 centurions just to make your way to calvus. now while naval defences arent really, existant, there would be a fleet of ravennean ships protecting the island. I would also assume lorewise they would have defences, but even if they didnt the next closest kingdom is not only in the next sea over but in peace treaty with them (I believe)
there doesnt really need to be soldiers at frostmill, its far away other kingdoms and redwake probably wouldnt attack it. shell is also pretty far away from everything. fort talos secret enterance was literally forgotten about and even if it wasnt it was technically a emergency exit.
I’m gonna bump this because I feel like this sort of discussion would be beneficial now that we have some new info
i second this
i remember fort castrum being abandoned i doubt the second baron is there and vet said it would be a sidequest chain surrounding the second baron so maybe idk
Have we all forgot about the father of Elius and Carina,he also might be a baron.
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