What are y'all's greatest in-game epic fails

mine are 100% all of my PvP experiences and some of the encounters I’ve had with Atlanteans

Mine was falling for the “Can I test?”
(Spent time in jail fr for that one)

repairing a guy’s boat. he returned the favor by destroying mine. :frowning:

Drank a teir 5 invisibility potion less than 1 minute after killing a level 15 npc

i run wind conjurer

walking into the lava pools in ds thinking it was the same as diving points


-Large waves casually making me waste my luck 5 reagents (in Dark Sea)

-Wasting alot of reagents because of cauldrons breaking Client-Side because i somehow put 6 reagents in a Cauldron.There shouldn’t even be a Q keybind prompt to put another 1 reagent instead of 5 in the first place.

-Drowning several times in the Dark Sea, the sea is lava, i say.

-Going into the sus liquid on accident, almost got my character into their deathbed because Zeus had to strike back 10 seconds afterwards (i got struck by lightning after taking a dip in sus liquid).

-Great White Shark Jumpscare in Dark Sea, paired with Zeus’s Wrath. (Technically not a fail, just a skill issue.)

-Multile Instances of me climbing on giant islands, trying to get dark sealed chests, forgets where my Brig is, trying to climb into higher altitudes to find my Brig using Snow Platforms, while also trying to salvage dark sealed chests, which usually resorts to me losing Dark Sealed Chests in this case.

Oh wait I have never considering being able to use snow or sand magic to climb, mainly because I don’t use them.
I just have to t jump every single time I am about to run out of stamina in order to climb really tall things

You go around repairing people’s boats?

Here king, you dropped this:

I hope it wasn’t a one time thing due to a negative experience with it

Tried to fight back against a wood thermo warlock before, did not go well

normally, sirens are free chests for me
but one wind siren blasted me into the water while i wa slow on stamina, i tried to climb up but got stuck with a small overhang above my head, then drowned
40 chests btw

I generally try and eat invigorating II food before getting into a fight of any kind in the DS. It’s the once place where drowning is a genuine possibility at level 125.

normally i could quickly leap + rising tide + flash strike my way back onto the island but that stupid ass overhang blocked my mobility moves…
just bad luck fr fr


I actually once died to drowning in a siren island too. I was getting owned (it’s hard to hit airborn targets), so I jumped down to my ship to get the heck out. But RIGHT as I landed, a wave threw me overboard. I was at low stamina, and well… you can guess the rest.

waves need a nerf RIP


Sirens are a pain, I’ve ended up trying to fight them from the center of siren islands multiple times lol (one time I ended up bailing from fighting some of them and successfully escaped using my brig somehow)

I still remember this one, was on a very friendly dark sea group (total of 3 including me) both of them sucked at combat and we were on the 3rd range (2nd insanity)

Saw like 2 Atlanteans so I figured I’d solo them saying “Nah I got this just loot the chests and don’t die”

Got struck by red lightnings the moment I approached the Atlanteans, got a handful of a beatdown and died. (I had 3k hp with aura too)

One messaged me “noooo why did you die lol” they were pretty fun to hang around with, had to come back and share loot with me since I died.

mine would be giving away 2 headlesses for free (usernames: Diamondiaroblox and 9j9q)