What are y'all's greatest in-game epic fails

mine would be giving away 2 headlesses for free (usernames: Diamondiaroblox and 9j9q)

My biggest fail was when I was doing a legendary chart, part three lead to Palo Town

While I was looking for it, I decided to go to the breakable wall by the guy in the middle of the island for some chests.

I used Flying Phoenix.

I somehow managed to hit two explosive barrels.

I run 0 defence.

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oh I still remember this one epic fail I watched someone else have lol

for some reason they tried to kill me with a gunpowder barrel while I was under the PvP level and it went about as well as you’d expect:

I had a situation that very much almost got me killed, and given the chance I would not do it again.
I was attacking a giant white eyes using abilities since I was on an island and didn’t want it going after the ship. After a few hits, it had enough of my antics and flew in a straight line directly at me. It was genuinely frightening and I only just managed to back away before it reached the island.

doomed to eternal suffering, i see

my survivalistic instincts are just as developed as my will to live, in the first day of dark sea i jumped head first into the cu- liquid starlight, 6 minutes later jumped head first into lava, after dying and going back into the dark sea i drove my ship straight into a water tornado because i thought my ship was going to handle it (it didn’t) after going broke by repairing my ship and going back into the dark sea i went to 5th range and tried to fight a level 530.000 atlantean, the fight went just as well as a coughing baby vs a hydrogen bomb


Were you using a caravel or something?

brig, i never cared to put anything other than a bronze hull on it

You may benefit from a lot of durability (and probably some golden bolts for your deckhands)

yeah i already have a meta ship build

I would suggest more durability but to be honest a tornado isn’t hurting you with 23k health either

is this good chief?

trying to pvp with 300 ping everyday and getting murdered by ppl with only 30 kills


Standing knowingly in a barrel of explosives

it stinks your first ship build better

I was fighting elius and got him down to like 100 hp
then I accidentally dodged off the island
fell into the whirl pools
got eaten by a megalodon

not mine but I gotta share this, some mf lost a 3 v 1, which in itself sounds normal however.

2 of the people were level 60 alongside a level 125 vs a guy who was level 125, with said level 125 guy having been ganking the level 60s earlier. the guy didnt get any of them under green.

Not maxing attack speed on earth.

killing a level 85 navy player who shot me once (i got that level 160 rival mindset fr) and then getting a navy major npc sent to my location (this was just today bruh)