What are y'all's greatest in-game epic fails

Chad original lightning.

got flung to othrys from ravenna when i try dash jumping on my ship

PURPLE (complete sentence)

oh hey I also have a Lightning Conjurer (as well as a Crystal Conjurer lol)

my other builds are super random:

  • Magma/Iron Leg Warlock
  • Plasma/Fire Paladin (who I am currently trying to get a ridiculous amount of drawback on for absolutely no reason)
  • Glass/Sand Mage (chose Sand Magic for second magic cause it has positive synergy with bleeding and Glass Magic has positive synergy with the Sandy debuff)
  • Acid/Thermo Fist Warlock


invested 5 points into vitality at the start of the game and never found an acrimony to fix it :(

did you already try to reset your stats before that

because you can reset your stats once for free and then every time after that you have to use interchange (learned that from personal experience when I decided to reallocate my stats on my Crystal Conj and Magma/Iron Leg Warlock files)

Uh definitely this :joy:


is this ur setup?

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Yes :white_check_mark:

roblox servers rn:

this is literally a summary of what it seems like when my Dell laptop runs Arcane Odyssey with Discord, Google Chrome, Steam, and Notepad all open as well

you found someone stronger than martin and didn’t take a screenshot??

Dashing off cirrus island right as i painstakingly climbed back

Bro’s game ain’t a game this is just a slideshow.

heh i run this (the ram enchant i (want to) use isnt available in shipbuilder sadly :pensive:)

three dark sea expetions where one i got zeuzed while fighting a siren, a shark which i didnt know existed i though white eyes was the only guy and three could climb a wall due to water stopping me somehow and me being a warrior didnt have jump skill

I see nothing at all wrong with this.

Brig that collapses with a passing breeze
143 speed is pretty insane though >->

when the diving update first/day one came out
i fell for the funny orb in the water

i later had both it and it’s kid for dinner