What are yall's new years resolutions?

I wanna know what your resolutions are for the new year. Bonus points if its not stuff like, going to the gym or reading more cause thats pretty overdone.

Mine is to become more efficient because every one of my projects keep taking a long time because i keep wasting time on unnecessary stuff.

I’ll try to force myself to talk more and put more effort into keeping relationships up. Usually, they go like “Meet somebody → Talk for a while → Friends List → I forget they exist.” One time I just straight-up ghosted somebody who I talked to for months on end because I got tired of the one game we played, and I kept telling myself to apologize to them for that, yet never got around to it before they deleted their accounts everywhere.

Actually, add “Be more assertive with myself” to that. I keep telling myself that I"ll do stuff eventually, but I never do, and it leads to crap like that.

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Make some money :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face::moneybag::moneybag::dollar::dollar::money_with_wings::money_with_wings:

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go back to learning mandarin
took it for 6 years, new school didn’t offer it, kinda ended up dropping it cuz i was struggling with japanese in school
however since i’m learning japanese and dutch surely a third language is fine?