We have builds for things like berserker, mage, and other things, but what about ships? Is your ship very fast? Is your ship for combat?
always max turning speed
My ship build is almost finished (Just need one more swift scroll) but in short it has about
82 speed
Who knows durability
54 stability
80 Resistance
80 something turning
1690 ish ram damage
I mean it could be better but it shreds pirate ships (Not even going to bother fighting player ships though)
52% Stability
70 Speed
103 Ram Defence
87% Resilience
1870 Ram Strength
93 Turning
5510 Durability
495 Magic storage
Oh ye btw this is without any deckhands yet
Max defense build
Waiting for that good ol’ ship of the line
straightup just the base ship
rowboat base stats >>
How can you get max Turning Speed? And are there alternatives without lowering Durability?
2 HP legend deckhands, 1 Magic legend deckhands… And more HP, soon.
thats what i got but i only noticed recently that my hull wasnt optimal
its a level 70 rugged framing but theres a level 90 version of a rugged turning speed hull which i didnt get swift on yet (spend too much time on other files)
oh and i got an hemp sailcloth and a deckhand with 14 turning speed
caravel, strong moonlight ram, swift bronze framing, swift hemp sails, strong ruby crystal cannons. tried to get colors that wouldn’t clash horribly with AS theme. also 1 speed 1 ram dmg deckhand.
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Speed is key, I stopped doing ship battles after I sunk the my 70th ship, ship battles are kinda boring after a while since the npcs are so stupid
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