What are your ideas for bosses in future?

Just want to hear some peoples ideas and concepts for possible bosses in the future. Personally I’d like to see a boss who has no magic, but in a second or third phase awakens it for the first time in their life and due to being somewhat of a prodigy already has a major understanding of their magic, maybe already being able to imbue their weapons or fighting style with magic. Then they can cry like a baby that they never got the chance to fully realize their potential after we beat them.


not necessarily a concept, but the camera for all players fighting a boss zooming in cinematically upon a phase change (eg. you can actually see argos’s armor getting broken and unsheathing his cursebane, calvus activating his mode spell, etc)
also fix the thing where if you die to a boss it still looks like its in its second phase



But Fr what if a boss that in later phases orders a naval bombardment on you or maybe a gimmick or colossal boss

Unrelated but I wonder what the eventual Cernunno fight will be like

Edit: I think a cool concept for a colossal boss would be a really powerful earth user that creates and controls a massive golem and you gotta knock him off the golem to actually attack him

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cernunno fight is actually just corpse of king minos then minos prime for 2nd phase

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A curse user that’s one of the last people standing after a war, and since his ruler and most of his friends are dead, he went insane.
(Would probably be weakened due to fighting in said war)
The player could maybe be given a bow that shoots devourer arrows or something beforehand, which deal more damage to him. and since it’s a bow, every build would be able to use it.

a boss that has a trap spell that they set all around the arena to place stuff like mines, holds, or makes you trip like paralyzed

the magic itself isn’t too important, but ash would be nice as a reference to zora from black clover

i also just want this spell for players because it sounds cool

A boss that isn’t human or humanoid. For example…
A cat with high intellect and can speak in human language and can use darkness magic.


Or just a monster boss fight.

Wouldn’t mind having a fair boxing match with a white eyes…

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I really want a fight which isn’t just shooting magic (Or weapons or souls or… slaps?) at an enemy, like Colgera from ToTK if you’ve fought it, because I don’t think I’ve had that much fun in a boss fight for ages.

welcome to the arena i am the boss


unfortunately prometheus only gave magic to humans
“god made man in his image, not you”

So whats the deal with the sirens then?

they’re probably human but mutated, same with atlanteans

I don’t think so, cause if they are then why are they all wearing those special outfits instead of what they entered the dark sea in? And why do they all have the exact same mutations rather than the more random fish related ones that the atlanteans have. I think they’re mostly the same as their greek myth counterparts minus the whole hanging out in the dark sea and using AO’s magic system type deal.

Achilles and other heros from the myths.

side quest
sniper boss to unlock a summon scrolls

stay on the move in and out of cover also don’t try and camp to regen HP he is going to mortar you with shells that spawn magic minions

also, this isn’t a foot battle this is a ship vs ship battle

A boss with has a proper, recognizable pattern of moves, instead of just being a glamorized field NPC.

Also one where its pretty clearly telegraphed rather than ‘ooh look magic circle’ (looking at you calvus blasts and 5x hit attack)

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I want a boss that in the first phase you have a ship battle but in the second phase the ship crashes onto a nearby island and you and your crew fight the boss and their crew.