What are your planned builds?

I have slot 1/poison, some paid sunken set items, and armor, power.
Slot 2/gold, only strong.
Slot 3/lightning, full hard.
Slot 4/magma, undecided.
Slot 5,6/empty.
Alt slot 1/explosion, half power half hard.
Alt slot 2/plasma, had a huge nerf lol

Gonna go with a bit of defense and a bit of power. WITH A SHIT LOAD OF MAGIC SIZE. Why you ask? Because I’m trying to build an rpg character similar to gaara from Naruto

If you use ash or poison magic, fuck you in advance for the 2 fps.


Ima destroy the silent tower with a squad of ash and posion users and the captain on top also being a posion user let’s see how laggy we can get it.

Power, Defense, Agility, Casting Speed, Magic Speed and maybe some Magic Size.

Magic size goes brrrrrr

full level 1000 knockback gear with wind

a combination of magic size, power, and defense
with ash magic

sand/lightning modes combined with a melee playstyle

I was thinking the same but size to go along with my 2nd mind explosion
But now that you mentioned about the knockback…

bower, so much unlimited bower :mariomug: