What are your plans in saving money for the brig?

With the brig costing twenty thousand galleons, more than I’ve ever had on one slot throughout the game’s history, it’s obviously going to be pretty hard or tedious for me to save up for one, as I’m not too interested in trading or whatever other methods you guys use.

That being said, I plan with playing with at least two of my friends once the update drops. This means that all we’ll need to start our expedition together is just one boat.
We will do this through trade routes. We’re gonna go from Ravenna to Darkpine until we have the money. We’re all villains, so we do not have any risk in filling our ketches with loads of cargo. It’ll probably still be annoying, but it won’t be catastrophic if it were to fail.

That being said, how are you going to save up for it, especially on your hero slots? I know that fishing is an option, but… no.

Selling random stuff I’ve collected

I now have 41k galleons

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okay i know that it was probably over the course of MONTHS of playing the game but also what the hell?
what’s up with your pockets, man?


i did sealed chests and cargo until 23k

I’ve collected a bunch of stuff, most of em have a low value but it usually ends up adding up.

I’ve sold most of my sail patterns, all my regular heavy cannonballs, a bunch of potion reagents I won’t use (thunder crystals, snow crystals), a bunch of weapons since I’m not a weapon user, etc

i used to sell extra stuff i had on me in WoM all the time, but i didn’t think it’d work as well here

i guess it does. dayum.

that being said, vetex should buff the amount of money bounty hunts/assassinations give

Wait 1 week

I didn’t really know people were having an issue getting 20k galleons… I didn’t even do any farming and I have max galleons.

Just sell stuff and do sealed chests, and stuff.

Screenshot (2688)


lmao ive already got 50k galleons

mostly from cargo runs

…Y’all don’t already have 40K+ galleons?

i gain money by bounty hunting and i’m broke (<10k galleons)

jewels sell for a ton

i guess i could sell some of my failed jewels from jewelcrafting

also at one point, i had 38k on an alt account but i gave 19k split to 2 clan members

i have 3 files ready and 1 other file almost there
Warrior - 28000 (exactly)
Paladin - ~25000
Savant - ~21500 (still need better armor)
Warlord - ~14000 (Plans to sell a bunch of items I don’t use. like most of my gems)

Been doing cargo to pass time from when brig was announced.

Gone past, the 50k long ago

I got onto the renown leaderboard with only PvE bounty hunting if that tells you anything about how much money I have accumulated

how tf? which leaderboard

Fame one for a short while after brewing update
But the most fame I got was before the first update back when people had tons of renown

Do cargo on my slots when I feel like going through the damn hassle to get some money for big boat