What are your thoughts on the minotaur boss appearance?

What are your thoughts on the minotaur boss appearance ?
Many have been waiting and anticipating how the first unique boss would look like and how its moves would work. As of the day im making this post this is the first time i have seen the minotaur appearance and some peaks of its skills and i would like to hear your thoughts about it, do you like its look ? did it live up to your expectations ? were u expecting a minotaur best rather than the minotaur being a title ?

My thoughts
The boss lived up to my expectations and i was really glad that they went with the minotaur being a viking instead of being the actual monster from myth itself. Im really exited for this boss with its huge aoe smash move and seeing that it has a lvl of 280 i expect it to do hella damage since according to trello the lvl cap wont increase but at this point in speculating that it would and rooting that it would.


arms look freaky, segmented, i’m gonna go to sleep now

wait so the exlied is a good guy


“I am heavy weapons guy. And this… is my weapon.”



i like his attitude and that he claims to be a warrior

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h o r n y

ngl his arms lookin kinda weird + his axe seems kinda short but otherwise he lookin real nice.

The cool thing is, his armor will probably allow players to show their muscles gamepass.

lol facts, thats gamepass looks nice and all but its just useless with armor

I expected him to be anything but a minotaur.

I did not expect him to be cUtE

would’ve been better if he was an actual minotaur, but vetex probably made him a human because modeling a minotaur is probably not his expertise

…Well, as far as I know, all remotely mythologicals creatures that may have existed at some point in the lore are way past dead now, so it would not make sense at all to have a real minotaur randomly pop up anyway.

im not suprised that hes a normal person based on what ive heard about the kraken, but i was hoping he would at least have a bull cape thing like hercules

little tim plays for days in a maze and he finds a

He is wide

I am neither happy or sad about the look.

He looks so cute and stubby and edible i just wanna gobble him up no homo
