What boss has the most practical armor set?

This is a hypothetical more than anything, since I think we’ll all be dead and buried before somebody unironically runs the full Calvus or Elius set for PvP. This is assuming that you’re only running pieces from one set.

I want to say either the Ravenna Fallen King armor is definitively the best, because it gives three stats by default, although I don’t know if it’s higher or lower than some of the other boss sets.

people (me included on some files) unironically run full king set or carina set it aint that outlandish

if it’s only that one set, then i would say carina since she’s the only boss with a full 5 armour set (and atk speed goated)

people (me included on some files) unironically run full king set or carina set

Damn it, the joke doesn’t work now.

Honestly I could’ve sworn there were more bosses with full armor sets. Not even Argos?

nah he only has 2 accessories (also who would want intensity)

argos has 5 armor pieces, but 2 chestplates so you cant wear everything at onmce

Calvus armor is genuinely very good if you run size wdym

also carina is good too if you’re poor and don’t have time to be digging shit up/don’t have arc gear and wanna run pow/speed

cernyx is powercrept but not everyone has sunken warrior/enough of it to put it on every file that runs speed/def

I thought you meant literally, as in if worn in real life. If so, Argos, it actually protects you as long as you’re strong enough.

i run kings set with cernyx amulet (although trying to swap out for sw helm and 2 agate because it gives ever so slightly more stats + jewel substats) solely for the purpose of getting as much stats as possible

…im lacking on intensity

it’s simply less effecient than sunken iron with Variscites

Carina or Cernyx, especially with today’s meta

it’s less efficient than sunken but not everyone has sunken + you can combine it with sunken

No one tell bro about the intensity meta…

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