Apoc bringer comes after, once it gets added. Until then I abstain from magic.
big axe
i honor that commitment
my start will be warlord, thermo fist, maybe vampirism. but i also wanted to do poison healing conjurer once
Unlike magic, the second fighting style slot starts out empty. If you want Basic Combat in your 2nd slot you’ll have to learn it at Whitesummit.
Where’d you hear this from?
I’m pretty sure I already said this before, but I’m going for a Yamamoto (Bleach) build. The size grind though ;-;
I’ll probably allocate my stats as 100 Magic and 150 Strength since I want to use Focus. I want and Thermo Fist because I like the aesthetic and I think speedblitzing people sounds funny. My current plan for armor is the maximum Power possible to compensate for Light’s low damage. I’m not sure if I’ll use the Speed Focus or the Power Focus, currently leaning towards Power because I think I’ll be fast enough already and I want to deal a hilarious 400 damage per hit for a bit of surprise factor and to make farming bosses easier.
Endgame is a lot harder to decide on. I’m quite sure I want Knocking Fist, but I can’t pick between Pressure Magic, Electron Magic, or Equinox Magic.
Pressure supposedly has very high damage from its description, I think it would look pretty cool, and it fits with Knocking Fist conceptually since you’re hitting pressure points.
Electron fits Knocking Fist visually since they’re both electric, and I think Knocking Fist’s ability to slow and stun means that targets will have a harder time getting out of Electron’s burning air clouds. Will that synergy actually work in practice with AO’s fast-paced combat and numerous mobility options? Probably not, which is why I believe this is least likely to be what I pick.
Equinox Magic would look really cool with Knocking Fist but I don’t have the foggiest clue what its stats will be like. Light and Shadow are both very fast but don’t have a ton of damage. Equinox’s description says it has very high damage, but how will that be balanced while still making sense? You can’t slow it down, can you? Light and Shadow merging to make high-damage explosive reactions, sure that’s believable, but why would two fast magics make a slow magic? And wouldn’t Equinox be pretty huge, since it’s a destructive reaction? But you can’t make it excel in three stats, that would be overpowered, even for ancient magic standards. I have no idea how Equinox will be balanced because conceptually it should be busted in all regards, but gameplay-wise it can’t be like that. So I have no way of knowing if it synergizes with Knocking Fist at all.
me with my dragon elemental getting ready to 1v1 some random dude with serpent elemental
It’s implied a few times throughout the trello. Here’s one example. For 2nd fighting style, it specifies just the slot and not an immediate new ability. For magic, it doesn’t say “slot” it really just gives you another magic straight up.
magic with ice and stuff i guess i
Plasma Warlock, I having a crisis on what fighting style I should use since they keep getting balanced.
Fire conjurer with weapons I will play with until I find the ones I like.
File One - A simple Warlock build of Earth , with Iron Leg or Cannon Fist, likely swapping between the two depending on how I’m feeling at the time. Karate will be added into the rotation when added. When Vitality gets content later down the line, I may swap my build to Paladin. Best to keep it simple for now. Power and Attack Size focused gear.
File Two - Warlord build. Sailor’s Fist, with the Lightning weapons from the sky boss for innate synergy. Should make a very strong early access setup, and can be adjusted heavily as needed moving on into post-launch updates.
File Three - Won’t be progressed very far until Lost Fighting Styles become available. Juggernaut build with Radius Fist and Impact Fist. Focuses on getting low-risk damage through aggressive play with Radius, while slowly soaking up the damage necessary for hard hits with Impact Fist through sacrificing some of my massive HP pool. Defense focused gear.
The rest are TBD.
omg hi pristine
what up g
As for my first slot, also my first playthrough, I’ll probably go fire savant (yes I know it’s basic as hell)
For my 2nd, I’m thinking explosion cannon fist warlock
Then third file will be Plasma conjurerererer
File 1: Conjurer
Moonlight for nostalgia to my first wom file
Sapphire for the synergy
Sunken sword (or rapier), dual swords and bow because they’re cool
A focus on power and attack speed
File 2: Warlock
Shadow for AA nostalgia and a contrast to my first file
Metal for close-range, heavy hitting attacks
Basic combat until I find a cool one
A focus on agility and defense
File 3: Savant
A merge of my first two files, so it has sunlight, shadow, dual swords, bow, claws and basic combat.
Idk what stat distribution
File 4: Paladin
Ice magic, more focused on defense and range
Cold wind magic, more focused on knockback and close range to knock them away for ice magic attacks.
Maybe a focus on intensity and defense.
File 5: Mage
Fire magic, it burns
Nova plasma magic, I want a red firey hell sort of feel
Ash magic, petrify debuff, and it might fit well with the red and black my character uses.
A focus on power and size.
File 6: Warrior
Broadsword, heavy and slow, but useful.
Greataxe, another useful weapon, especially with the tornados
Rifle, for long range combat purposes.
A focus on agility and size
Sky boss weapons don’t have lightning permanently imbued on them
You wouldn’t able to get 2 lost fighting styles with juggernaut
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