What can I do to get better at PvP?

I don’t wanna sound daft but just playing the game and memorizing your keys is really crucial for getting good at pvp.

though if you want to improve faster, run 1’s with some friends on othrys. (munera sucks tbh)

blud fell for the bait :sob:

Never let your emotions to join the fight, they always ruin everything. Never rage quit or leave strong opponent unless you really have to go. Develop your learning skills to adapt to opponent very fastly.

(When you get enough experience, I recommend making balanced build (not necessary + dependant). Its will allow you to adapt to opponents more easier and make it harder for them to adapt to you).

Shortly - just get a looot of patience and fight, that’s all I can say.

Pretty good guide, maybe move it to Arcane Odyssey Guides ?
I approve everything mentioned there expect using drawback. Some people follow tactic of exhausting opponent… drawback will play an evil joke to you, if you meet this situation (and its not really rare).

Drawback is really not noticeable at 1 - 3 tbh and can work well for making builds

Unless you running painite then one musn’t cook.

First practice aiming, do this literally against players or NPC (preferably Calvus) then afterwards try flicking (google this) then implement movement with aiming and flicking. (Also try to predict)

Practice with blasts or any other similar projectiles, do it with normal or high speed.

Then blocking, block after every attack or do it by instinct with enough practice pvp, this can vary from build to build.

Optionally you can watch AOSL, hope that helps, also off topic I know you from vetcord, I act very uncivil there though.

And do not go gearless pvp it’s not usually good practice.

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