What characters have Weapon Aura? A lengthly investigation

Got this question raised to me when I saw on the wiki
Like, does he?

Ones that I know for sure:

  • General Argos
  • Evander
  • Player (Warrior)

Ones that may or may not have Weapon Aura:

  • Lord Elius
    His weapons material-based aura maintains a purple color, even when they might be dominantly yellow. It’s worth noting that Lord Elius does not imbue his weapons, despite what you might think. So this means that imbuement of the owner can’t affect the Aura color.
    Actually, I don’t think any NPCs imbue, do they? Besides Arcanium Weapons, the dead guy at Blackreach, and Azura’s Aether Knight.

  • Architect Merlot
    This seemed like a “What? No he doesn’t!”, but then I looked a bit closer. His weapons always use the color black. It makes sense for the Silent Blades, but the Sanguine had a red blade, yet the attacks are all black.
    I asked in the previous one if any NPCs imbue, but I realized, Merlot does. Silly me.

  • Shura
    I don’t really have a frame of reference for Shura, since his weapon is always imbued, and can’t be taken by players. No evidence.

  • Captain Maria
    The material of her weapons are definitely out of the question. Nothing about either of them would result in a blue aura.
    I believe Weapon Aura is definitely tied to Magic for players and NPCs. Both Elius and Maria both prove this, however Merlot does not, because his magic is red, and his Aura is black.

  • King Calvus
    I have no doubt that Calvus would pursue Weapon Aura. Given his story alone, he would absolutely gain every power possible and put little care into any of them except his Lost Magic. His weapon is Arcanium, however, so there’s no way to verify this.
    However, his weapon does uniquely have bronze accents in its aura, not just the Aether Magic. This could go to imply that he actually doesn’t have Weapon Aura, because his weapon’s material dominates the color of the Aura.

  • Commodore Kai
    This one seems all but confirmed. Technically Vetex never stated that Commodore Kai uses Aura, but he distinctly has a red accent to his weapons when he uses them, and his title is quite literally themed around this. The Red Sabre.

  • Prince Revon
    Despite his enormous difficulty and power, he seems to be doing it all without Weapon Aura…
    In all seriousness, I brought him up because I noticed something about his attack patterns. His only moves are m1 and whirlwind. This comes to imply that without Weapon Aura, you can’t do any of that fancy nonsensical stuff.

    • This throws quite an odd factor into things.
      I feel like we failed to question if a regular weapon could do any of this stuff without being enhanced by Aura, and surely it can’t. A Flying Slash should be physically impossible without some sort of magic involved, and Revon seems to show us that it is.

Which brings me to our final candidate:

  • The Player
    Obviously a Warrior has Aura after awakening, but I’m wondering if they have more than that.
    The canonicity of anything done by the player is up to question, and this is one of them.
    Can’t help but wonder, is the gameplay allowing for a Flying Slash without Aura, or is there Weapon Aura involved to create a Flying Slash?
    A Conjurer or Knight could do fine without Aura, so long as they had imbuement; but a Warlord or Savant wouldn’t have any means to extend their attacks.
    I feel like I should deem this early usage of unnatural weapon (and even Fighting Styles) moves to be non-canon.
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You do realize literally every weapon user has aura right

The skills and shit aren’t just there because anime looks cool haha funni that’s because of weapon aura

I mean, like, SERIOUS Aura. Like, leaning into it enough for it to matter.

lore-wise anything other than pure melee with a sword is off limits before you can use aura

Yeah I think being able to fire off a slash of pure willpower is more impactful than a color change

Well I wish this stuff could be CONFIRMED EVER, but NOOOO, Vetex doesn’t talk about Weapon Aura.

The vast majority of the stuff said here has been confirmed by vetex you are just too lazy to check

I mean in the game, why does nobody in the game ever mention it ever?

Probably because the vast majority of people’s lives don’t involve encountering actively fighting skilled swordsman, also it’s just accepted as a fact of life

What about the Sailor’s Lodge NPCs who are all versed and everything?

Well the weapon one doesn’t give a shit he just wants you to buzz off

Who cares?

he can supercharge now

What the hell-

King Revon
The Burning Overlord
Obtained the Fire Curse

Wait I think this implies that Revon’s unobtainable sword would have a sort of bronze-orange weapon aura. A little ironic since he himself doesn’t really have it