What do Auras do?

Ive been a bit confused about this, since there isnt a page for it on the wiki
What do Aura spells do, and is it true that it hs different effects depending on the magic?

Aura’s are just renamed Mode spells with some tweaks.

Aura mode grants you boost to certain stat:

  • Speed
  • Power
  • Resistance
  • Destruction
  • Bursting (Just small self explosion each second that does not stop you)

Speed increases speed of attack and casting time ; Power - attack power ; Resistance - increases the health based on clashing power. ; Destruction - boost destruction and give size.
All stat increase are based on your Magic’s stats.

Once activacted, Aura will work 30 seconds and then goes on 30(not sure) second cooldown.

Testers say that Destruction is universal mode. (Every magic need size).
Speed are the best with high speed magics (Light)
Power with high damaging.
Metal gives the most health with resistance.
And bursting will probably be good for conjurers.

Here’s the magic stats btw

Oh, neat

Bruh i main water, it has debuffs in every stat except for magic size wbdkwkz kdwbs n jvejemd b

it’s the new name for mode spells, basically just gives you a buff for 30 seconds that can do many different things depending on which version of it you use

*or warlocks

Fighting styles would probably will be magic for non-magic users(at least strong ones). And weapons are melee stuff

I don’t think so.

Fighting styles (usually) revolve around using your fists as melee weapons. Whereas weapons can be ranged or melee in nature. Fighting styles may have some ranged abilities, yes; however, I don’t think that they’ll be 100% ranged at later levels (except for cannonball fist) since that just doesn’t make any sense.


Yeah between weapons and fighting styles I imagine FS being the more melee based of the two

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