What do i do with godly nector

So i booted up a new file with my brother (HE FINIALLY PLAYED BECAUSE SCYTHES WILL BE ADDED), and then after opening a few chests at level 10 i got godly nector. I don’t need that since I am never gonna buy elysium (if its free then maybe), what do i do with it? sell it, trade it (for what) if it is tradable.

It is tradeable but it isnt very valuable due to basically 0 demand. Godly nectar is just worth its in game price, which is 4k, since it sells for that much to npcs

just sell it once you get to the point where you can buy a brig :money_mouth_face::money_mouth_face::money_mouth_face:

Just kill amelia and sell her cloak for 20k easiest brig of your life

Wait cloak is that much? Oh wait Amelia, nvm in see why

Sell it
It’s free 4k

As in
Amelia’s cloak is worth 20k among NPC’s or people sell value

People sell value, the highest npc value item is acrimony for 5k

Nothing sells for 20k to npcs, her cloak sells for 20k in like 20 minutes on the marketplace

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