Not money tho, I do not want to get bannedđ
And I mean headless in arcane odyssey game (not in rl)
Not money tho, I do not want to get bannedđ
And I mean headless in arcane odyssey game (not in rl)
100+ halloween seasonals or you gotta hope you find someone who doesnt know/care about values
edit: you could also try trading for a duped headless since theyre seen as less valuable (less than half the price), but i havent seen a duped headless being sold in a long while so thatll make trading for one pretty hard
âvalueâ this, âvalueâ that. It isnât about value, itâs about emotional attachment to some 0s and 1s.
Legitimate owners of the headless head accessory had to go through a 4~3 years old event that took painstakingly long as it was solely relying on RNG.
In such a long amount of time, you can expect these efforts to be glorified, and an attachment to be developed.
It can also be seen as a proof of glory and age, a trophy of sorts if you will. Something that people will rarely let go off as itâs a proof of their past achievements, of the time theyâve spent.
And thats literally a definition of value. As for the paragraph after, idk why ur even explaining allat to me (unless it was directed at the topic instead) cuz i grinded for headlesses myself too, its general knowledge and it doesnt really add anything to the topic. He was asking about trading value and i told him about trading value. Pls dont derail this into some psychology lesson that sounds like it was generated by ai
What bro what r u tryna cook
To give a reason as to why people would not want to sell their headless head accessory so that OP doesnât harass them with messages/trades.
Thats if he messages/sends trades to random people in game. He could also post offers in vetcord or on the forums, or dm people who are trading their headless(es). Ofc some people will never want to trade their headless. Hell some people wouldnt even want to trade their sunken sword for 10+ halloween seasonals. Still, if hes looking to trade for a headless hes best off being told that headlesses usually get traded for 100+ seasonals, so it is about trading value too
thats literally everything this guy does just ignore him
so hard nowadays because of the galleon list making everyone follow that price that is easily manipulated by the owners
The galleonlistâs headless price is very outdated so how exactly is it manipulated easily by owners? The list says headlesses are worth 10 mil but anybody who cares about values wont sell their headless for 10 mil galleons. If you meant in terms of seasonals then even that is outdated since the average price for a seasonal is like 120-130k so like 80 seasonals for a headless according to the list. While in reality, headlesses go for 100+ seasonals which would be at least 12 mil using the valuelist. And even 100+ seasonals isnt the greatest minimum cuz itd be hard to find a headless for even 110 seasonals.
Headless traders do NOT follow the list because the list simply isnt accurate. People are just more and more willing to pay 100+ seasonals for a headless over time . And before you say that thats because of the valuelist, nope not true. Since, once again, the valuelistâs value of headlesses is and has been trailing behind its actual value for most of the listâs existence. If anything, the list just further cements the minimum value of a headless while the actual value of a headless is nearly always a good bit above said minimum value
For clarification: seasonals in this case mean halloweens since those are all high value. Easter valks are also highly valued so you could substitute hws for those. No other seasonal would be considered as 1 seasonal for this value definition
edit: sorry for the whole ass essay on this . But the galleon keeps getting blamed for shit they dont do. I dont think the list is great either but the reasons people keep mentioning are either just wrong, shit or speculation/conspiracy theories
I mean the list as a whole (still mostly halloween seasonals), not only for ones who have a headless head
So then you agree that for headlesses your point is wrong?
As for other items i can see and understand your point better for them, but the list still doesnt manipulate the economy much anymore. In the past, when the list was properly updated, it was reflective of the market and thus did manipulate new traders into following the market. Ofc it still wasnt fully accurate but it was still very accurate. But rn thats even less so. Sunkens are traded for more than what theyre valued on the list, same for acris/interchange pots and seasonals. But scrolls are traded for less than what theyre valued on the list. I really dont see where any manipulation is happening atm. Its just misinformation for new traders, but said misinformation is usually corrected pretty fast in either the galleon discord server or by real trading experience
use a time travel machine or exploits
highly unlikely youâll get a clean one otherwise
Whatâs the difference/similarity between duped headless and non-duped?
Well both are still headlesses but since duped headlesses are obtained through, well, illegal means ig, theyre seen as less valuable. But duped headlesses have yet to be deleted and mods have said they wont do so either. Ofc that could change in the future but the main reason for duped headlesses being less valuable is simply because people dont like duped/illegal items