What Do People Think Of Trading? [POLL]

Skip to the poll below if you don’t wanna bother reading a wall of introduction text on why I made this topic.


As someone who played the game for a long time, I’ve gotten numerous down horrendous offers for any valuable item that I had over the past months. Most of them beg through the messages and kept trying to persuade a long time player that their offer is good, despite it being useless, because it adds up to The Galleon’s value list (I’m sure you understand what I’m hinting at).

Due to them usually flooding my message inbox when I didn’t agree to their offers, I usually have my messages turned off but recently, I forgot to turn them off while I was playing with my friends.

The guy offered selino and fortune scroll for my explosive scroll, both of which is useless to me since I won’t be able to use them anymore especially selino since due to my playstyle and the fact you can get them anywhere, but well who can disagree with him? The Galleon’s value list says it adds up to the worth of an explosive scroll. I told him I’ll accept it if he offers 15K but now he got salty calling me a scammer because it didn’t follow The Galleon’s value list :fr: .

So now, since no one has made a topic about it, I decided to make this post. You’re probably asking me why I made it here, the one reason being that most of the people here knows the game a lot. So here’s the poll:

What do you think of trading?
  • Obligated to accept because it’s equal in value according to a superficial value list.
  • Mutually agreed because both gain something beneficial.
  • Begging until the other party accepts.
  • Others, specify in replies.
0 voters

Now for context on what each option means:

Option 1

  • A trade is when the trade is equal in value according to what a superficial value list says. I mean superficial because it is made by players and when you look at it closely, it’s not accurate at all. Not to mention, people value items differently. It’s not a scam even if you pile up easy to get items that you don’t need for what you need because it adds up to the superficial value list.

Option 2

  • A trade is when both parties agree to what is being offered due to the benefits, meaning to say a trade can happen if one person is offering an acrimony for a headless because both agrees they gain some sort of benefit. Is it a scam? That answer lies on the parties involved with what they think of it.

Option 3

  • A trade is when despite the other party not agreeing to your offer, you must beg them to accept until they do.
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It’d be a mix of Option 1 and 2 for me.

I don’t trade often, but when I do, it’s to benefit myself and the other party all while maintaining a similar value according to the public’s view.
I do use the value list to learn about the latter, but I’ve been doing so less and less as I’ve started to build an opinion regarding the worth of items.

In the end, I do trades if it provides me with benefits according to my needs and those of others, that way I know that I won’t be making a loss at the very least.


as someone who hates the value list with all my heart, i use it a lot to get good trades off idiots with stuff i want

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I used to be a trader back in the late wom to early AO days, the halloween event and creation of the galleon were by far the worst things to ever happen for trading

If someone offers me random garbage for something I don’t need, I usually still won’t accept, unless it’s something like a low level trying to get a wood shovel from me

blud has never heard of supply and demand before
the estimated value is the 25%, the other 75% comes from scamming comes from supply and demand. does this person really want the uppercut scroll despite them being a mage? is a regeneration scroll really that good of an offer for someone that only focuses on offense?
people have to consider that, and most of them dont
its like ‘oh hey heres a bucket of paint for those 10 mangoes since in the wallmart theyre roughly the same price, bruh wait why you dont want the paint, i dont care that you dont need, it a paint bucket costs more than 10 mangoes in the supermarket! why u scammin urself!!1’

trading nowadays sucks

Fr, most people trade nowadays based on how they can get what they want by giving away the most useless things for the other person.

It’s like they’re giving me a contract where it obviously states that I don’t gain anything while my employer gets a ton of benefits from me :sob: .

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I have quite the surplus of random crap in my inventory, a lot of it which I don’t need, so typically when I receive a trade request, I accept it. Especially when the player gives me way more than the thing is probably worth since I know what it’s like to feel desperate like that.

BTW: New idea for how to feel good: Next time a player sends you a trade request for something, and they are giving you way more than that item is worth, decline their trade request and then give them the item for free.


I usually do that when they’re looking for something I don’t have a use such as technique and spell scrolls since I get them passively, any excess boss item that I have, and some bulk of common items like bottles.

I think you cracked the reason why people always seem to offer subpar items for items of… Much larger value!

I really dont think we really need a value list and I feel like bartering and galleons are fine. Mainly cause it just feels a SMOLL bit like a monolpoly…

I do think option two makes the most sense, but I can totally see how those ones are chosen… I am not an established trader of any kind though haha


wheres the option thats just “i hate traders” and it ends there


Screw The Galleon, items are only worth as much as one party is willing to trade for


I don’t trade. AO’s trading system just annoys me. I think sometimes, when I start a new file, one of my friends will give me something and I’ll try to give something back as thanks, but that’s it.

no it just is

B… B-but then traders wouldn’t have the ability to “make profits”, it would defeat the whole point of trading!

Traders included :wink:

Due to playing lots of wom during lockdown I have amassed alot of items
Therefore i am a mix of mutually agreeing and just sometimes being treated as a glorified shop npc

Theres been lots of times when someone just traded me for a dull defense amulet or something and offered a small amount of galleons, ingredients or whatever they had spare
one day someone traded me for 78 maid skirts

If someone talks to me about it first, chances are I’ll accept no matter what. I’ve taken 20k galleons for an interchange potion just because the person messaged me saying they wanted to try out a new build and didn’t really trade much. However, if you just randomly send me a trade request without discussing first or asking nicely, even if it’s pretty good, 9/10 times I’ll just decline it.

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ban people who make value lists, make all their trading worthless with their 17856342784 headlesses

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