What do treasure chart directions actually mean?

title says it all, when the charts say things like ‘east southeast edge’, what am I supposed to take from that? Go east from the southeast edge

Also what is this random jumble of icons supposed to mean on Ravenna? Nothing is there on that little side island and none of the other islands have it.
2023-02-26 21_33_55-Roblox

east southeast is the direction between east and southest, labeled as ese in this image

where would that be here? I feel like I’ve checked literally every spot of grass and sand in this entire section thats near the ocean
2023-02-26 21_44_11-Roblox

somewhere along this middle line probably

Apparently it was here, both not near the water or even close to the ground like the chart said, unless it could include the pool which I highly doubt.

wdym not near water, what about a lake?

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