What do y’all do after school/work?

Usually, I mess with my cats for a bit before going into my room, where I sulk play games for the rest of the day.



Arcane Odyssey


I mix my freetime INTO my collegework.

Do not do this guys, it has seriously ruined my attention span and my productivity.

roblox. then homework

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then after midnight at 3am it’s time to do homework

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mix of AO, other games, working on (t)MPS, working on FAV

so you just kinda disconnect from real life and come back after some time?

I just stop existing, then at 3am I appear in my bedroom

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pic pls

teach me

Study then weed then drawing

release all the farts i had held in from school and then go on my phone

I mean I guess the first thing I immediately do is get to my toilet and drop a hiroshima and nagasaki. Cause lets be real, no one wants to shit in a public restroom toilet

Succumb to my mortality as I fail to keep it together and eventually fall asleep without getting any work done.

take a break by watching youtube or game developing and then homework or working out

then its back to game developing

something between going out to see my friends, going on a date with my partner, doing maths out of pure interest (besides it being school related regardless) or playing games (either ao, brawlhalla, destiny 2, btd6 & overwatch)

i :heart: mathematics with my heart

drawing/game development for a bit then studying

It depends what my schedule is, if I get home from school around lunchtime and have work at like 3 I take a lil nap, after work I watch one piece, do homework and then go to sleep (at like 1am :sob::sob:)

make lunch, play some games alone or with friends, watch something, read a book, sleep

some days i do some taekwondo as well