What do yall think about AO's balancing currently?

Just wanted to bring it up because I saw like multiple people argue about how bad AO’s balancing, powercreep, etc is. (In other discords) and basically saying how insane it is or whatever.

So I wanted to bring this here, what do you think about AO’s current balancing than before?

Also fun polls!: (For balanced version I mean like the version that was most perfect for players to fight people and others or the miscellanous mechanics like jewelcrafting, alchemy which probably caused unbalancing to systems. So like how dark seas has insane powercreeping and unbalances with surge and way too many gems to increase build, that’d for me would go under a not so balanced version. This caused metal to do over 900+ damage)

Current AO’s Balancing
  • Perfect
  • Good
  • Decent
  • Average
  • Bad
  • Terrible
  • Horrendous

0 voters

Most Balanced Version
  • Version 1.1
  • Version 1.2
  • Version 1.3
  • Version 1.4

0 voters

Most Balanced Class
  • Mage
  • Conjurer
  • Warlock
  • Savant
  • Berserker
  • Warlord
  • Warrior
  • Warden
  • Juggernaut
  • Knight
  • Paladin

0 voters

Most Unbalanced Class
  • Mage
  • Conjurer
  • Warlock
  • Savant
  • Berserker
  • Warlord
  • Warrior
  • Warden
  • Juggernaut
  • Knight
  • Paladin

0 voters

Sometimes I wonder what the balance team is on like when they wanted to give acid a size buff and other times I commend the changes they want to make, like giving fire a damage buff and a better bleed synergy

The balance team can cook, but I just hope they at least get Vetex to fix scald and nerf surge before he begins working on the nimbus sea

i personally think that the crash distance nerf is a bit too brutal, the cone should be larger imo.

surge is absolutely busted, especially when combined with certain gels

berserker is unbalanced because it’s horrendously bad, if that’s even a thing

Imma highly assume some of* the balancing is from the vocal minority
but otherwise yea it goes to a hit or miss situation, they’ll fix it eventually, it’s not like balancing slips off occasionally in other rpg games too

Im just trying to have faith and hopium lmao :pray:

I’m not entiiiirely sure but I will say this

I’m pretty concerned for the game’s future balance, if Atlanteans are anything to go off it’s a little terrifying that they can run as fast as a fucking jet engine when they’re only double our level.
I also feel like we’re way too strong at level 125 to be completely honest and I just don’t know how that’s gonna translate to later content, or how it’d look. One stat that has me concerned though, if it wasn’t immensely obvious from my first sentence, is Agility. It’s not the most devastating thing in the world, it won’t break the game in half, but the fact that we’re only Level 125 and able to do some of the shit we can do does not bode well for later levels and stat scaling imo.
Trust me when I say I love being able to fuckin fling myself across a town in one dash as much as the next person, but it just doesn’t sit right with me when I think about how much agility we’ll be capable of getting in the future. Some people have literally perfect, crazy ass builds right now with 100 at least in basically every stat except maybe destruction, and we haven’t even seen what the next sea is like. It’s unbelievable.


Good point. The future will have horrifyingly strong bosses

Half of the balancing issues seem to stem from extremely blanket-covering changes. Thermo is entirely useless now, because it was too OP on warlord. Which… Relied on the weapon-specific imbue stats.
And yet, for whatever reason, the end result was to nerf it entirely. Not to nerf Warlord’s imbue of it.

That’s my biggest gripe with the update. It made Thermo literally useless.
Mage also didn’t need its buffs. It also remains massively unbalanced, but not unable to be fought.

I do see some of the concerns with the stats currently… And, yeah, I can kind of agree. Atlanteans do seem kind of extrapolated as a whole, though. Even low-level ones below the cap have way higher stats than we do, it’d appear.
However, yeah, 90 agility being able to make me a trackstar ON ACCIDENT? Kinda scary when the upper limits are usually 150-250 for it…


and every balance update they will nerf the hard working savants of the pvp community

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Metal glass cannon mage.


the issue is they need to fit as much possible content to keep “running updates” right now while keeping major areas for future content, so it does create a mild power illusion

That’s kinda not the whole point I’m making though. I understand what you’re saying but I’m generally concerned for how things are gonna end up looking. We won’t really know till Nimbus Sea arrives and we get a level cap push obviously, but I can only hope stuff will stay under control. I point out the Agility stat though cause it does not give me too much hope in all honesty.

I personally don’t care for how long an update takes although I know a good part of the playerbase does, and my opinion in that regard doesn’t ultimately matter, but from what I can tell unless something is changed future stat balancing is gonna be all kinds of wack.

Ended up finding out what it was that makes the balancing concerns…
I know a guy on the balance team, so I asked him directly. Turns out, it’s not drugs like @TheTom (impressive list tho) was suggesting; it’s Vetex’s veto power vs their attempts to get things balanced properly. (They were trying to balance out Thermo Warlord, and… Yeah.)


In sure it wasn’t, I was just going along with the jokes

Out of nowhere my fstyle today started working idk if Vetex fixed it but now I can actually land rushdown. And it’ll play out the full combo animation before it was completely broken even if i did land it, the animation wouldn’t play out… with this said I don’t mind busted surge, as long as rushdown works and grabs in general aren’t hella buggy it’s pretty ez to counter.

I seeeeee, thermo warlord was only a problem bc of the airstalling imo rn even with out thermo nerf it wouldnt be as busted with the current cone detection for dagger and grab moves.

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