What do you think about me? (DeronChepem)

  • Really annoying
  • A little annoying
  • Not annoying
  • Chill
  • Nice
  • Average forumer
  • Best forumer ever
0 voters


who are you

a forumer, obviously

Buddy why am I under the impression that you’re 14

I remember you from somewhere but you just don’t have an identity to yourself rn

Oh wait nvm you’re that one dude that flooded my survey with unnecessary replies making me unable to use fast input program

you remember me from where? irl or digitally?

Yeah about the 14 thing? Forget it. You went around saying things like “omg another lightning water mage” so I subconsciously group you with optical

I’d say you’re a little annoying but that was just because of the survey topic

just tryin to find ppl of my own kind yk?

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Not an asshole

Trying to figure out who you are is like telling a blind man to find Waldo

I like this new trend :smiling_imp:

wheres the who option

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I remember the time I blatantly lied to your face about weapon enchants giving imbues.

Guys let’s make this a trend.

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you didtn copy optical you just ocpy me :rage:

all jokes aside i made one and then optical made one and i made a second one because on the first everyone was voting ‘your name goofy’

I don’t know who you are.

I was really thinking it was legit but then I clicked on my hard enchant scroll and clicked on the weapons tab of my inventory. Nothing. :sob:

I guess im just dumb

we don’t like you


i agree with wesree

i agree with wesree