What do you think about Optical

Either you’re a sneaky little demon or some 14 y/o kid lol

Optiescal is just curious I assume!

(bro acts worse)

Why would you be acting?! Like… purposefully trying to be “worse” lul

Are you absolutely sure?

Do you hereby vow that you only joined the game on a few occasions to trade?

I suggest you answer this question carefully

I vow that for the past few months I have only joined the game to trade (I think you can tell when most of that happened)

as far as I remember

just 1 or 2 more :pray:

nooo I remember in 8th grade one of my friends was making fun of my username by calling me oppy

I find it fun when a user obtains their invisible role…

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@Dreamkeeper say it

I see you there

So you pretty much made up most of your “points” in your latest suggestion. You didn’t pvp, you didn’t played the game. All you did was spouting shit from your limited knowledge and deflecting other’s arguments by reciting unoriginal ideas and refused to even acknowledge any disagreement

Idek anymore I’m losing every ounce of respect I have left for you

I am trying to be civil don’t rush me or you’ll be mentally hurt


Ouch, dont hurt optie’s feelings

I do just haven’t recently

Don’t know how old you are but you act like a 13 year old

Most people on this site can’t fucking stand you

I’m gonna keep it at that before this thread gets closed.


Yeahhh… optical why did you make this post? Perhaps youre just tired?

I answered that

Oops yeah, missed that… I AM the tired one…

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from every forumer in this god forsaken website, you were the last one i would have predicted to have less self worth than me

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No you merely lack the intelligence to use your brain correctly